Sunday, September 24, 2006

Trees for Travelers

We meant to post this as soon as we got to Dunedin, but we forgot! Sorry Rusty and Wal!

While we were in Waimate, we purchased two totara trees (Podocarpus totara) and planted them at Rusty and Wal's house to help make up for some of the airplane emissions on our long flight here. Totara trees can grow to be 30 m tall and over 1000 years old, so these guys should be around for a while!

Rusty and Wal are starting a row of Trees for Travelers, and we had the honor of planting the first two trees! We're looking forward to visiting them in about 500 years when they're full grown.



AdamB said...

Matt Grosso has a beard!

I saw this grad student who looked exactly like Matt Grosso with a skinnier head... khakis, glasses, and all. But now Real Matt has ruined it by growing a beard.

When (if?) you ever shave it, I highly recommend leaving the stashe and seeing how long you can stand to walk around with nature's creepiest facial hair.

David said...

If you guys figure out how to live for 500 years please let me know...
I like the beard :-)


A Family Abroad said...

Very cool. I don't know what Grand would have to say about living to 520-something. Maybe telling her that you are planning on it would help her be a bit more optimistic about getting through another year.


A Family Abroad said...

This thing puts me on your date and time -- just for the record it is 9:58 pm and only Wednesday, 27 Sept here in Urbana, IL, USA, at this moment.

Rusty and Wal said...

It has rained here over the last few weeks and I have watered trees too. They are doing well and have grown at least half a millimetre!
