Thursday, February 22, 2007

I WILL go to grad school!

I JUST received an email from the Ecology & Evolution Department at the University of Illinois- Chicago saying that I have been accepted to their program with financial support! WOO HOO! Sorry Seth, I don't think we'll be living in North Carolina next year.

So far this is my only good news about grad school. It looks like I won't be admitted to UMass unless hell freezes over and I don't know about U of M, UC Berkeley, UConn, or UT Austin.

Sorry about the lack of posts recently. We haven't had a reliable high speed connection for about 2 weeks. A LOT has happened in the past week (other than me being accepted to UIC) so we'll try to catch up on everything soon. Stay tuned!



AdamB said...

Whoa! AWESOME! Congratulations!

That is in my hood. We can barbeque and stuff. Actually that is your hood, too, now that I think about it. When are you moving?

Anonymous said...

congratulations carrie!!! that is only 7 hours away from minneapolis AND you can get there on a train!

love sarah

Unknown said...

Yeah Carrie! Congratulations! I really hope you go to UIC! Then I can see you often and when I move back can see you all the time. I am so very excited!

A Family Abroad said...

Go Carrie! Go! We'd be frequent riders on the City of New Orleans (the train that runs between Urbana and Chicago). Funding and everything. AWESOME!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

