Just after Christmas Bill Buskirk and Jay Roberts from Earlham came to New Zealand and we spent a bit of time with them. We had a great time and their visit left us excited about birding. Ever since then we have been keeping track of the bird species we have seen. Our goal has been to reach 100 species (and sub-species). On Monday morning we reached that goal and on Monday evening we surpassed it. At this point we have seen 101 different species (and sub-species) of bird. This is really very exciting for us and we are sure it is not quite as exciting for most of you but, for the benefit of the two (maybe three) people we think might enjoy it, we wanted to share our list with you. The Maori names for some of the birds are in brackets and some of the birds are hyperlinks so you can go read more (I was going to hyperlink them all but that's a lot of work so I got about half way and then I just did the coolest ones). Here it is.
001. Albatross (Royal, Wandering) [Toroa Ingoingo]

003. Bellbird (North Island, South Island, Stewart Island) [Korimako]
006. Blackbird [Manu Pango]
007. Chaffinch [Pahirini]
008. Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo
009. Australian Coot
010. Brown Creeper [Pipipi]
011. Cuckoo (Long-Tailed, Shining) [Koekoea, Pipiwharauroa]
013. Dabchick [Weweia]
014. New Zealand Dotterel [Tuturiwhatu]
015. Grey Duck [Parera]
016. Paradise Duck [Putangitangi]
017. Dunnock
018. New Zealand Falcon [Karearea]
019. Fantail (North Island, South Island) [Piwakawaka]

021. Australasian Gannett [Takapu]
022. Goose (Canada, Feral)
024. Chicken (Feral)

025. Bar-Tailed Godwit [Kuaka]
026. Goldfinch
027. Australasian Crested Grebe [Puteketeke]
028. Greenfinch
029. Gull (Black-Backed, Black-Billed, Red-Billed) [Karoro, Tarapunga, Akiaki]
032. Australasian Harrier [Kahu]
033. Heron (Reef, White-Faced, White) [Matuku Tai, Matuku Moana, Kotuku]
036. Kaka (North Island, South Island)
038. Kea
039. Kingfisher [Kotare]
040. Stuart Island Brown Kiwi (!)

041. Australian Magpie (White-Backed, Black-Backed) [Makipai]
043. Mallard
044. Mollymawk (Shy, Buller's)
046. Myna
047. Oystercatcher (Pied, Variable) [Torea Pango]
049. Parakeet (Red-Crowned, Yellow-Crowned) [Kakariki]
051. Penguin (Blue, Yellow-Eyed, Fjordland Crested) [Korora, Hoiho]
054. Westland Petrel
055. Pheasant [Peihana]
056. Pigeon (New Zealand, Rock, Cape) [Kereru]
059. New Zealand Pipit [Pihoihoi]
060. Spur-Winged Plover
061. Pukeko

062. Quail (California, Brown)
064. Riflemen [Titipounamu]
065. New Zealand Robin (North Island, South Island, Stewart Island) [Toutouwai]

068. Eastern Rosella
069. Saddleback [Tieke]

070. Scaup [Papango]
071. Shag (Little, Little Black, Spotted, King, Stewart Island, Pied, Black) [Kawau Paka, Kawau Tui, Parekareka, Karuhiruhi, Kawau Pu]
078. Silvereye [Tauhou]
079. Skylark
080. House Sparrow [Tiu]
081. Royal Spoonbill [Kotuku Ngutupapa]
082. Starling [Taringi]
083. Pied Stilt [Poaka]
084. Stitchbird [Hihi]
085. Welcome Swallow [Warou]
086. Black Swan
087. Shearwater (Sooty, Fluttering)
089. Tern (Black-Fronted, Caspian, White-Fronted) [Tarapiroe, Taranui, Tara]
092. Song Thrush
093. Tomtit (North Island, South Island, Stewart Island) [Miromiro]
096. Tui

097. Wild Turkey
098. Grey Warbler [Riroriro]
099. Weka (South Island, Stewart Island)

101. Yellowhammer
I hope you clicked on at least one!