Ok, so I had mentioned that a good way to track our blog is to RSS it. If you would like to read a bunch about RSS you can do that here:
Basically RSS just tells you when we post a new blog entry and so you don't have to load the page all the time to check. If you have an Apple RSS is built into your web browser (Safari) when you have our blog up in your browser there should be a small blue "RSS" in the address bar. If you click on it it will take you to a new page which is the RSS version of our blog.
For those of you who do not have an Apple I think it is a bit more complicated. I've never used an RSS reader for PC so I'm not sure of the exact details but I did a quick search and came up with "Active Web Reader" which seems pretty popular and it is free. You can download that program at
After you download it you will have to figure out where to enter the address for a new RSS feed. The address for our feed is:
Ok, once you've mastered RSSing you'll discover that tons and tons of sites have RSS so maybe you'll use it for some other things. It is a nice way to get news feeds. Ok, that's all good luck. If anyone out there does have a PC and knows their way around RSS please share your knowledge with us. Thanks.
Thanks for the tutorial. I'll give it a try sometime soon. It does sound like a Dundein does sound pretty Matt-friendly. Does it have any bats?
Man, I follow tons of blogs, and now it's gotten hard to follow them because I have no time. So I will definitely have to check this out.
Thanks for the tip!
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